Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013


     These adverb establish a relationship between one sentence or clause and the preceding sentence or clause. Conjunctive adverb indcate such relationship as:
  • result     (therefor, consequently, accordingly, hense, thus)      
          - There is fog at Heatrow; therefor, the plane has been diverted.
          - There is very little rain in the region; consequently, we often have crop failure.
          - he put on the fire quickly; thus, a great disaster was avioded.
  • addition    (moreover, besides, in addition, furthermore)
          - John is a very lazy student; besides, he always comes late to class.
          - Television is entertaining; furthermore, it is sometimes instructive.
  • contrast    ( however, nevertheless, still )
          - They hadn't trained hard; however, they won.
  • condition    ( otherwise )
          -We must be early; otherwise, we won't get a seat.
  •  time     (then, meanwhile )
          - I will study medicine for six year; tthen. I will be a doctor.
          - I held the dog, meanwhile, my friend washed it.
  • comparison    ( Likewise )
          - All of Mrs Peterson's ancestors were robust and long-lived; likewise, she is very healthy at age seventy-five.

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